Saturday, November 5, 2011

The TTC and their HR woes

I have been holding my tongue about the TTC for a while, so I've decided I can throw in another rant. If you've read my previous TTC rants, you know I feel their bottom line issue is their industrial relations. Their Union has far too much power, and has pretty much dictated where every new cent goes - higher wages for people with a high school degree and a driving license to be able to make $75,000 driving a bus/train, often poorly, and sometimes under the influence of things that lead to passengers dying.

In February I signed up for the MDP program. Through this, I could get the metropass 10 bucks off, so long as I agree to buy one every single month. The added bonus is that they mail it to you at least a week in advance, so no need to even get it, and you either pay for the whole year in advance or they charge you monthly. Over the past 8 months, I have learned that there is a special section in hell dedicated to the incompetent and rude people that seem to be specially picked out to work in this program, which is really something when one knows my already low opinion of most employed there.

When we came down to submit the application, we had a member of their team help us complete it and vet it for correctness. We used 2 tokens to get down there. The next day, we get a call that the form was completed incorrectly, and that we'd have to return to complete it again. Two more tokens. The end of the month came, and no metropass. We call. We are told that because the form was completed incorrectly the first time, it was set to pick up only, and when we completed it correctly someone must have forgotten to remove that limit from the system. We have to come pick it up. Two more tokens.

Two months later, the postal services stop. They say they'll have a driver deliver it, we just need to be home to get it. We stay home Monday. No metropass. Teusday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday all pass without delivery. We call every day, and are told it would either be there tomorrow or the day after. We ask if they think we're unemployed that we can just sit around at home all day. Our concerns are ignored. Friday, we go down there, and spend an hour yelling at their staff, who assure us it'll arrive between Monday and Wednesday. After filing a formal complaint and refusing to leave, we are given the metropass with reluctance. No one even attempts to acquiesce us, they just give us the product we have already paid for as a favor. Thanks, guys.

Last month, we moved. Due to exceptional circumstances, we didn't know where to until October 6th or so. Once we moved, called their office to inform them of our new address, a couple of weeks before they're supposed to send out the metropasses. We said if it was too late to change it in the system, we would be happy to come pick it up. The result was another rude employee, telling us the cut off for address changes is the 5th, and then it goes to a different department. "Why can't you just not send it then?" That's the other department, we're told. "Ok, transfer us to that department." They don't take calls from the public, we're told. The metropass will be sent, to the wrong address, and there is nothing we can do about it. We went back there to check every day, but of course, it was not there. Either thrown out or stolen, who knows. As a result, I had to purchase a new November metropass. Another formal complaint is filed.

To sum up, every single person working there, and we've dealt with MANY, is rude and incompetent. They have no ability to perform anything beyond the simple task of signing you up, which they do poorly, or changing your address, which won't help you get your metropass. Taking your money seems easy enough. As a result of their incompetence, this program, which should have saved us $100 over a year, has actually cost us $31 dollars more than just buying the passes every month from a dealer, and many hours and sleepless nights.

This office is yet another example of how the TTC management is not only a pawn of the union, but even in running the TTC they fail to develop a working hierarchy or inter-departmental communication which would help them get more people to sign up for this program (which would guarantee them income and stabilize their balance sheet) and in general be more supportive of TTC initiatives (such as requests for additional funding from the government, or wage increases for their employees).

To be honest, this program has made me lose faith in the TTC's ability to perform in their current set up. I used to be their greatest supporter, and now I resent having to use the system. At this point, they need to either restructure the entire system, force funds into maintenance (Especially for the new train, which seems to break down every time I use it), or they need to be sold to a private organization who knows how to operate a billion dollar business. It is of no surprise to me that every single economic survey done of Toronto says the same thing - great city, but your public transit is terrible and expensive.

Time to change that, with HR - and if they can't, with a sale.