Funny story today on a case which has been dragging on since '99, and will likely continue. The courts have, once again, said that cigarette companies are guilty of committing fraud against the public because they've publicly lied about the dangers of cigarettes and deceived the public by offering "light" versions that are in no way less harmful to the body.
Golly gee, that's a surprise.
That said, this is how I see it. First of all, anyone with half a brain knows that cigarettes are dangerous. It's common knowledge. If you don't know, you've been living under a rock. It then seems impossible to "deceive" the public. Of course, "light" is underhanded and evil. And yes they should be punished for it. But I think it's still a far cry from fraud.
I think the worst issue brought up in the trail is the issue of deceiving children, but again - it is not the responsibility of companies to educate children. Why have parents become so lazy? "How dare companies say what is in their best interests, rather than parent my children so I don't need to!"
If the kids knew from their parents the dangers of smoking then the cigarette companies would hardly be able to lie to them, no?
Continue to defend public stupidity and laziness! Though I suppose till the public smartens up, someone has to take care of business.
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